How to preload Warzone 2 and Modern Warfare 2 Season 3 patch on all platforms

With the Season 3 patch of Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2 preparing to live soon, the highly anticipated update is expected to introduce tons of new content for both the titles. In addition to content, the upcoming seasonal update will also be introducing numerous changes to certain core game mechanics in both titles, many of which have been heavily requested by the community.

As such, players are waiting with bated breath to experience the upcoming update of Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2. Instead of fully installing the patch after the update goes live, players also have the option to preload the patch so that they can jump into the new content right after it gets launched.

This article will guide readers through the process of preloading the Season 3 patch on both PC and console.

Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2 Season 3: How to preload on, Steam, PlayStation, and Xbox

The Season 3 patch has a lot to offer in both Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2 (Image via Activision)

The preload option for Season 3 of Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2 has been live since April 10, 10:00 am PT. However, the process of preloading the upcoming patch on these four different platforms is quite different from each other. Season 3 patch pre-load process

1) Start Launcher.

2) Find Modern Warfare 2 in the games list

3) Click on the Gear Icon for Options next to the blue Play button in the bottom left

4) Click on Check for Updates

Steam Season 3 preload process

1) Launch Steam.

2) Open the Library.

3) Find Modern Warfare 2 and right click on the game's name.

4) Click on Properties and then click on Updates.

5) In the Updates menu, ensure that the Automatic Update is set to 'Always keep this game updated.'

PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5 Season 3 preload process

1) Turn on the PlayStation console.

2) On the home screen, find the Modern Warfare 2 icon.

3) Press the Options button on the controller.

4) Click on 'Check for Updates.'

Xbox Season 3 preload process

1) Turn on the Xbox Console and select My Games and Apps on the home screen.

2) Find the icon of Modern Warfare 2.

3) Click on the Menu button on the controller.

4) Select Manage Games and Add-ons.

5) Click on Updates.

The aforementioned steps will help players preload the Season 3 patch of Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2 on both PCs and consoles. Preloading the update will allow players to immediately experience the new content when the patch goes live on April 10 at 10:00 am PT.

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